How often do fire extinguishers need to be inspected Victoria?
The standard applying to fire extinguishers is specified in the Australian Standard AS 1851
Maintenance of Fire Protection Systems and Equipment state that:
All fire extinguishers must be inspected every six months.
How often should I get Emergency Lights Tested in Victoria?
In Victoria exit and emergency lighting installations require testing every six months to
ensure that they are in safe working condition.
How often should I get my electrical Cords tested and tagged?
- 3 months: building, construction and demolition – this requires the most frequent testing due to it being considered a harsh environment and therefore an appliance being damaged is more likely compared to other settings.
- 6 months: factories, warehouses and production – this type of an environment isn’t considered as harsh, but because appliances are often used constantly it needs to be tested every 6 months.
- 12 months: an environment where the equipment/supply cord is prone to flexing or open to abuse – this is often referred to as a hostile environment as the appliance can be overused and is therefore exposed to abuse by the user, as well as dust, general deterioration and the weather.
- 5 yearly: an environment where the equipment/supply cord is not prone to flexing or open to abuse – this is commonly referred to as a non-hostile environment – a typical example of this might be a company’s server room.
How much will it cost?
This will depend on how many electrical cords you have getting tested and if you are getting your emergency lights tested along with your fire Equipment.
Mobile Fire Services offers free quotes and will always let you know the cost before starting a job.
Which Suburbs do we cover?
We service most of Victoria.
Are you qualified & do you have Insurance?
Yes, Mobile Fire Services is fully insured and Licensed and have a working with children’s check for all their Staff
Mobile Fire Services is also accredited by FPAA (Fire Protection Association Australia)
Call Mobile Fire Services to manage your Fire Protection in Melbourne
Our team are fire industry professionals keeping your business fire safe with regular processes routinely maintained and compliant.
Contact Scott for a quote today!
Specialising in Servicing Fire Equipment | Test Emergency Lighting | Test and Tag Electrical Items