Mobile Fire Services are your first-class Fire Detection Equipment experts!
We provide complete testing and inspection assessments for detection devices to ensure items are compliant with Australian Safety Standards.
Reliable detection alarms warn when smoke, fire, carbon monoxide or other fire incidents are detected and can be activated automatically or may be a manual activation device.
Regular maintenance and servicing are essential and necessary components for fire safety on your site. Thorough tests and inspection of devices by our expert team ensures your devices are functioning and dependable in case a fire emergency ever eventuates.
Australian Standards 1851 are the rules and regulations to ensure building owners, business owners and management are compliant in meeting the safety standards imposed on fire detection equipment. The results of detection devices tested and inspected by Mobile Fire Services are updated in our accessible customer portal with relevant information including description of the service completed and defects which may have been identified.
For already existing fire protection systems we offer 6 monthly or yearly maintenance and testing inspections.
Smoke Alarms
Smoke Alarms are an excellent fire detection system to keep your workplace, and your assets safe. A smoke alarm is a fast alert for people in the event of a fire to evacuate safely and as fast as possible.
Be Protected with Smoke Alarms Tested
A smoke alarm testing service guarantees that every business remains compliant and ultimately keeps people safe. With well-trained fire safety technicians attending to your alarms using highly developed technologies guarantees the regulations are applied and compliance is assured.
Smoke Alarm Testing
Partnering with us gives you the one-stop solution to manage your fire detection equipment. Keeping your property and people safe from potential fire hazards and the danger of a fire event. A fire alarm can save you a lot of time if a fire occurs on your property if it is functioning correctly. It is essential to have your smoke alarm tested regularly to guarantee the best protection from fire. We offer scheduled maintenance plan services to manage smoke alarm testing obligations with ease.

Call Mobile Fire Services to manage your Fire Detection Equipment in Melbourne
Our team are fire industry professionals keeping your business fire safe with regular processes routinely maintained and compliant.
Contact Scott for a quote today!
Specialising in Servicing Fire Equipment | Test Emergency Lighting | Test and Tag Electrical Items